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Explore Lesson Plans for Your Classroom

American Civics Project supplementary lesson plans span from prehistory to the 21st century, with a special emphasis on the establishment of the U.S. Constitution.

Emphasizing the history of human cooperation.

American Civics Project (ACP) supports K-12 educators by offering lesson plans, workshops, digital courses, seminars, retreats, and a national network for educators. ACP improves upon existing civic education by taking a unique approach that studies the role of human cooperation in developing fundamental aspects of American life, including free markets and free governments.


The Teacher Seminar was a worthy investment of my time. In one word, it was priceless!

Homeschool Educator

I really enjoyed the Teacher Workshop and left inspired by the ideas and suggestions for classroom implementation that I encountered.

Grade 10 and 12 AP U.S

Our national preoccupation with college prep at the high school level has somehow prevented us from teaching adolescents how to be responsible members of our society. American Civics Project is an excellent effort to redress the imbalance.

10-12 Grade History